
Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions GC Cosmetics BV for customers who order products online via the website www.repeatsanitizer.com

Article 1. General

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers and all agreements with regard to the sale and delivery of products via the website of GC Cosmetics www.repeatsanitizer.com.

1.2 Accepting offers or placing orders on the website of GC Cosmetics means that the applicability of these General Terms and Conditions is accepted.

1.3 GC Cosmetics explicitly rejects any general (purchase) conditions of the customer.

1.4 Changes to the concluded Agreement or these General Terms and Conditions are only valid if and from the moment they are confirmed in writing by GC Cosmetics. Oral agreements or promises of GC Cosmetics are only binding after they have been confirmed in writing by GC Cosmetics.

1.5 If and insofar as any provision of the General Terms and Conditions is declared null and void or is nullified, the other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions will remain in full force.

Article 2. Definitions

2.1 GC Cosmetics: the private company with limited liability GC Cosmetics BV and / or its subsidiaries and / or legal successor (s).

2.2 Customer: the legal entity or natural person who has concluded the Agreement with GC Cosmetics.

2.3 General Terms and Conditions: these general terms and conditions.

2.4 Agreement: agreement pertaining to the delivery of the products by GC Cosmetics to the customer.

2.5 In writing: in writing, by e-mail or by fax.

2.6 Products: the products offered by GC Cosmetics on its website.

2.7 Intellectual Property: all intellectual property rights and related rights, such as copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, design rights, trade name rights, database rights and related rights.

2.8 Internet site: www.repeatsanitizer.com

2.9 Personal data: personal data as defined in the Personal Data Protection Act.

Article 3. Formation of the Agreement

3.1 All offers from GC Cosmetics, as well as the prices, fees and terms stated by GC Cosmetics, are without obligation, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

3.2 An Agreement is only concluded after an application or order from or on behalf of the customer has been confirmed in writing by GC Cosmetics. Unless proof to the contrary, the administrative data of GC Cosmetics are decisive and binding for the content of the Agreement and these data serve as proof of the Agreement.

3.3 GC Cosmetics has the right at all times to refuse an order without stating reasons, which will be communicated to the customer by GC Cosmetics as soon as possible.

3.4 The customer guarantees that the information provided by him or her in the application to GC Cosmetics is correct and complete.

Article 4. Implementation of the Agreement

4.1 GC Cosmetics will make every effort to execute the Agreement carefully and properly, in accordance with the agreements made in writing with the customer.

4.2 Obvious (writing) errors and mistakes on the internet site and / or in the confirmation e-mail are not binding for GC Cosmetics.

4.3 The customer will report changes to address and other personal data to GC Cosmetics no later than fourteen (14) days before the relevant change takes effect, by means of the contact form on www.repeatsanitizer.com. All consequences arising from late notification of (address) changes are entirely at the expense and risk of the customer.

Article 5. Delivery

5.1 All (delivery) periods stated by GC Cosmetics are approximate and have been determined on the basis of the data and circumstances known to GC Cosmetics when the Agreement was entered into. Stated delivery terms will never be regarded as strict deadlines.

5.2 Exceeding the delivery times stated by GC Cosmetics, for whatever reason, never entitles the customer to compensation or non-fulfillment of any obligation resting on him under the relevant Agreement or an associated Agreement.

5.3 If the maximum legal delivery time of thirty (30) working days is exceeded, the customer has the right to dissolve the Agreement free of charge. For this, the customer must notify GC Cosmetics in writing. In that case, any payments will be returned to the customer within fourteen (14) working days after notification.

5.4 GC Cosmetics only delivers to addresses within Europe.

Article 6. Prices

6.1 All prices and rates are in euros including VAT, the stated shipping costs and any other government levies imposed at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

6.2 All prices and rates mentioned on the website and mailings of GC Cosmetics are subject to price changes, programming and typing errors.

Article 7. Payment

7.1 Unless otherwise agreed, payment to GC Cosmetics of the price due by the customer takes place by means of a payment by online payment order. The customer does not have the authority to set off. GC Cosmetics can change the payment conditions if GC Cosmetics is of the opinion that the financial position or the payment behavior of the customer or the nature of the relationship with the customer give rise to this.

7.2 Payments can be made by credit card (Mastercard, VISA or American Express), via iDeal or Bancontact or with a GC Cosmetics Giftcard or Beauties Check. All orders must be paid by the customer, according to the payment method chosen by the customer. If the customer opts for iDeal or Bancontact, the customer will pay the full purchase price in advance.

7.3 GC Cosmetics is entitled to suspend the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, in case of attributable non-fulfillment by the customer of his obligations under the Agreement.

7.4 If payment is made by the customer by credit card, the following applies. The credit card information provided will be verified before payment is made. Products are only shipped to the address provided by the customer on the GC Cosmetics website during the order as the address of the credit card holder.

Article 8. Dissolution

8.1 After the customer has received the ordered products from the same order, the customer can dissolve the underlying agreement with GC Cosmetics during a reflection period of fourteen (14) days after receipt of the products, without giving reasons.

8.2 If the customer makes use of his right of withdrawal, he must report this to GC Cosmetics in writing by means of the model withdrawal form or in another unambiguous manner within the reflection period.

8.2.1 During the cooling-off period, the customer will handle the product and packaging with care. The starting point is that the customer may only handle and inspect the product as he would be allowed to do in a store. The use of the product is not included. Use of the product will lead to a 100% reduction in the refund of the purchase amount for the used product.

8.2.3 The customer is liable for depreciation of the product that is the result of a way of handling the product that goes beyond what is permitted in paragraph 1.

8.2.4 The customer must return the products as soon as possible, but within 14 days from the day of withdrawal. The customer must return the products to a return address determined by GC Cosmetics. This must be done in the original, undamaged packaging. Opened or damaged packaging will not be taken back. Opening the package means that the customer wishes to keep the products.

8.2.5 The risk and the burden of proof for the correct and timely exercise of the right of withdrawal lies with the customer.

8.2.6 The customer bears the costs including shipping costs for returning products.

Obligations of GC Cosmetics in case of withdrawal

8.3.1 If GC Cosmetics makes the notification of withdrawal by the customer possible electronically, it will immediately send a confirmation of receipt after receipt of this notification.

8.3.2 GC Cosmetics reimburses all payments made by the customer, including any delivery costs charged by GC Cosmetics for the returned product, without delay but within 14 days following the day on which the customer notifies him of the withdrawal. Unless GC Cosmetics offers to collect the product itself, it may wait with paying back until it has received the product or until the customer demonstrates that he has returned the product, whichever is the earlier.

8.3.3 GC Cosmetics uses the same payment method that the customer has used for reimbursement, unless the customer agrees to a different method. The refund is free of charge for the customer.

8.3.4 If the customer has opted for a more expensive method of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery, GC Cosmetics does not have to refund the additional costs for the more expensive method.

8.3.5 GC Cosmetics reserves the right to refuse returned products or to credit only part of the paid amount, if (it is suspected that) the products have already been opened, used or damaged by the customer’s fault.

8.4 GC Cosmetics can exclude the following products from the right of withdrawal: Sealed products that are not suitable to be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene and of which the seal has been broken after delivery or the packaging has been used or opened in some other way.

8.5 When using a discount (code), a minimum net amount to be spent applies. In the event of a return, the net amount to be spent remains applicable. Should you fall below the minimum net amount to be spent by returning a product or products, the full discount will be deducted from the return.

Article 9. Complaints and guarantees

9.1 The customer has the obligation to check on delivery whether the products comply with the Agreement. If this is not the case, the customer must inform GC Cosmetics of this as soon as possible, but in any case within fourteen (14) working days after delivery, at least after observation was reasonably possible, in writing and with reasons. Failing this, any claim in this respect will lapse.

9.2 Product images do not always have to correspond with the appearance of the delivered products. In particular, changes may occur in the appearance and packaging of the products following the manufacturer’s range renewals. The customer cannot submit complaints about defects found if it concerns these changes to the product.

9.3 Any claim by the customer with regard to delivered products will also lapse if:

– the products cannot (anymore) be identified as originating from GC Cosmetics;

– the defects are (partly) the result of normal wear and tear, injudicious and / or incorrect handling, use and / or storage or maintenance of the products;

– GC Cosmetics was not immediately given the opportunity by the customer to investigate the complaints and to fulfill its obligations;

– the customer has not, not timely or not properly complied with any obligation resting on him.

9.4 If it has been demonstrated that the products do not comply with the Agreement, GC Cosmetics has the choice either to repair the products concerned against return thereof, or to replace them with new products or to refund the invoice value thereof. These General Terms and Conditions apply in full to this new delivery.

9.5 Complaints about defects will in any case lapse two years after the time of delivery of products.

9.6 The costs for returning products when defects are found are at the expense of GC Cosmetics.

Article 10. Use of the website

10.1 All Intellectual Property Rights, including, but not limited to, copyrights, trademark rights and database rights, to the information, texts, images, logos, photos and illustrations on the website and to the layout and design of the website rest with GC Cosmetics and / or its licensors. The customer and users of this website acknowledge these rights and guarantee that they will refrain from any infringement thereof, including making copies of the website other than technical copies required for the use of the website (loading and displaying ).

10.2 The information on the website is compiled and maintained by GC Cosmetics with constant care and attention. However, errors cannot always be prevented. No rights can therefore be derived in any way from the information offered on the website. GC Cosmetics accepts no liability for damage resulting in any way from the use of the website or from the incompleteness and / or inaccuracy of the information provided on the website and / or damage as a result of the (temporary) unavailability of the website. .

10.3 The website may contain hyperlinks to other websites maintained by third parties. GC Cosmetics has no influence whatsoever on the information, products and services mentioned on these websites and accepts no liability for damage that results in any way from the use of this website.

10.4 GC Cosmetics bears no responsibility for photos, descriptions and other information material on the website that have been published by third parties.

10.5 GC Cosmetics does not guarantee that e-mails or other electronic messages sent to it will be received and processed on time and accepts no liability for the consequences of the late receipt or processing of e-mails or other electronic messages sent to it.

10.6 The version of the relevant communication stored by GC Cosmetics serves as proof thereof, subject to proof to the contrary by the customer.

Article 11. Privacy / processing of Personal data

11.1 GC Cosmetics processes personal data in accordance with its policy as described in its privacy statement.

Article 12. Obligations of the customer

12.1 The customer guarantees that the relevant user is authorized to place orders on behalf of the customer.

Article 13. Liability

13.1 All changes to the packaging and package leaflets must be followed. No liability is accepted for different use and / or handling thereof.

13.2 GC Cosmetics is, except in the case of intent and gross negligence, in no way liable for damage resulting from the inaccuracy and / or incompleteness and / or unlawfulness of the content of the internet site, the (incorrect) use of the internet site by the customer and the provision of incorrect data by the customer. Furthermore, except in the case of intent and gross negligence, GC Cosmetics is in no way liable for damage arising as a result of the products supplied by it and / or any shortcoming in the implementation of the Agreement or the violation of any other obligations towards the customer.

13.3 Damage, as referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, which in the opinion of the customer can be attributed to the intent or gross negligence of GC Cosmetics, must be done as soon as possible, but in any case within thirty (30) days after the occurrence. to be reported to GC Cosmetics in writing. Damage that has not been notified to GC Cosmetics within that period is not eligible for compensation, unless the customer can demonstrate that he could not reasonably have reported the damage earlier.

Article 14. Engagement of third parties

14.1 GC Cosmetics is entitled to use the services of third parties in the performance of Agreements, either by subcontracting or by hiring temporary personnel. These third parties are authorized to act as employees of GC Cosmetics in the execution of the Agreement.

14.2 The provisions regarding liability, as stipulated in Article 13, also apply to these third parties.

Article 15. Force majeure

15.1 If GC Cosmetics is prevented or seriously impeded to fulfill any obligation as a result of a circumstance that cannot be attributed to it, GC Cosmetics is entitled to suspend or cancel its obligations under the Agreement, without that the customer has any claim against GC Cosmetics. If the period of force majeure has lasted longer than three months, both the customer and GC Cosmetics are entitled to terminate the Agreement in writing, without being liable to pay compensation to the other party.

Article 16 – Complaints procedure

16.1. The entrepreneur has a well-publicized complaints procedure and handles complaints in accordance with this complaints procedure.

16.2. Complaints about the execution of the agreement must be submitted fully and clearly described to the entrepreneur within a reasonable time after the consumer has discovered the defects.

16.3. Complaints submitted to the entrepreneur will be answered within 14 days from the date of receipt. If a complaint requires a foreseeable longer processing time, the entrepreneur will reply within 14 days with a confirmation of receipt and an indication when the consumer can expect a more detailed answer.

16.4. The consumer must in any case give the entrepreneur 4 weeks to resolve the complaint in mutual consultation. After this period, a dispute arises that is subject to the dispute settlement procedure.

Article 17 – Disputes

17.1. Contracts between GC Cosmetics and the consumer to which these general terms and conditions apply are exclusively governed by Dutch law.

Article 18 – Additional or deviating provisions

18.1. Additional provisions or provisions deviating from these general terms and conditions may not be to the detriment of the consumer and must be recorded in writing or in such a way that they can be stored by the consumer in an accessible manner on a durable medium.